The Great White

The Great White Shark. Natures Valley. South Africa. 2016 _______________________________________________________________________   The pallet that I hold in front of my canvas of journeys has on its surface a painterly collection of characters and places. What I paint on that canvas is a small aspect of my attempts to enlarge and capture pictorially, the greater essence …

The Inside Man (Die Binneman) – Julius van der Wat

Incredible story of 37-year-old Julius van der Wat who lives his life in Jozi’s beautiful Valley Road. Is there a standardized normality in the society that we live in? ‘Yes and no’ – is the broad answer and in that lies the abnormality of normality.” Sometimes during the setting of the Blue moon and the …

Views on Africa

On the occasion the Cologne Photoszene Festivals Photokina laif Agentur für Photos & Reportagen will show the works of six multiple awarded photographers represented by laif – covering different thematic and photographic approaches to the topic “Africa” in the Art Spaces of the Michael Horbach Foundation in the exhibition  Views on Africa. Per-Anders Pettersson, Jan Grarup, …